My second short story has been accepted for the Fantastic Middle Schools magical schools anthology. The editor made this comment about the introduction.
I think your blurb is lovely! You made it very intriguing and I think that it will make the reader enjoy it all the more. Might I recommend, to bring your blurb into keeping with the style of the rest, that we present it this way?
The author writes: “The viewpoint character in my story, Constance, appears in a story in Fantastical Schools, Volume 2 and my novel The Arabian Conspiracy.
The story was inspired by a novel in Ben Aaronovitch's Rivers of London series. In it, the British 'Magic police' arrest a Russian witch. She then sneers at them, saying that they would have to let her go because no 'conventional prison' could hold her. As an author, I was disappointed that Ben's police officer tamely accepted this.
It occurred to me that, if a conventional prison could not hold a witch, what about an unconventional one? My next thought was "The Tower of London", because as prisons go, it is as unconventional as you can get. I had a vague recollection of a ceremony at the Tower. An internet search told me that this ceremony took place every three years; and the next occurrence was six weeks away. I told myself that if I missed the opportunity to witness it, I would never forgive myself.