I have just arranged for the third novel in my urban fantasy series to be published on Kindle. In this story, Two Prisoners, a member of Britain's Guild of Magicians has been renditioned and held prisoner. But the Americans have seized the wrong man; they mistook him for somebody else. Then, in a bizarre twist, an American magic-user is arrested in London. He needs to be held in a place where he cannot use magic to escape. But the Guild has an answer to that problem and he is taken to a very different prison.
I had hoped to publish all of the novels in the Royal Telepath series before the end of the year, but the artist I chose to provide my covers has suffered several delays. The latest setback is that his home has been flooded.
Because of this delay, it could be some time before I can bring out paperback versions of these novels.
I am aready working of the fourth and fifth novels in this series.