The fourth novel in my 'Royal Telepaths' series has now been published on Amazon, in both ebook and paperback format . I started writing the series in 2016. I had intended this story to be the fourth in the series, taking place in 2019. But as the Covid crisis developed, I realised that the fourth novel would take place in the middle of 2020 - when the country was in lockdown.
I did not want to place the actions of the novel after the crisis. Nobody knew when the crisis would end. My solution was to move the intended fourth novel to the spring of 2019. 'The Russian Conspiracy' would therefore take place in the autumn and winter of 2019 - just before the lockdown was imposed.
The Russians are meddling in the Middle East, propping up an immoral regime - that's one conspiracy. Britain organises a covert operation to upset their plans - another conspiracy. Assassins are appearing in London. The Russians deny they are responsible. The Guild of Magicians become involved in the campaign to stop the assassins. My recurring characters, a group of magic users, play a large part in this campaign.